vrijdag 13 juni 2014

Hybrid can do webapps!

 Hybrid v1.2.0

I'm proud to announce that the hybrid is now capable of delivering first class web-apps.
I can set stage-scale-mode to 'lineair' (which is like flash used to behave) and 'responsive', which is more what you'd expect from HTML5 webapps.

I've just been creating all interface elements that anyone could need in my opinion like scrolling panes, canvases, buttons, lists, menubuttons etc. It's efficient because it uses spritesheets to define the look of all elements, which makes it possible to make it look real fresh and modern and actually add a splash of color here and there..
(I left out some things I don't like, like user-dockable toolbars, I don't get the concept, I think it's just bad design. You should know better than your user where to put stuff..)

If there turns out I need more, I'll make more. But for now, it's party time!
I'll be using this library to make the apps AND the games for Making Games.

This is the first taste of a brand new version of the Hybrid.
So without further ado:


The webapp I've been working on. It looks great on an i-pad (now that I've fixed the menu-button-bug)
I've only tested it in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE and on an I-pad.
The interface works great (like I expected) on all.

I actually need this puppet-editor for a game I'm creating right now, so I'm as happy as a fish in a pond.
I'll be focussing on making this thing do stuff, instead of just looking pretty, so I'm writing down my wishlist, to get back to later.


There is always something, isn't there..?

  • I'm still in the process of making multi-touch support.
    For web-apps that is a cool feature that makes everybody's life a little easier.
  • Also I have a wish to make popups/windowing a little more general and easier, but I haven't figured out an easy syntax yet.
  • Flash support is at this stage theoretical.. At this point I still have more experience with Flash interfaces than with HTML5, so I'm sure I will do it soon without a single re-design of the Hybrid's syntax. 
  • The popup on the right-mouse still states it's a game engine. While that is true, it has just become something a little more. I just don't have a word for it yet. Any suggestions..?
  • Text in the popup is still selectable on drag.. Hmmmmm. A little rethinking of the popup might be in order.
  • It doesn't handle the iPad orientation change event without trouble yet. It works if you reload the page in the new orientation, but apple doesn't think of reorientation as resizing. Oh dear, I hate it when people just shout: "This is a special case, normal rules don't apply, because WE call apples: 'oranges' "
    On Orange-iOs that seems to happen quite a lot. (I'm one of those people who started programming when you had to negotiate everything with the bar-tender if you were programming on a Mac. I might be slightly biassed, but I never understood this urge to make life hard on developers.)

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