dinsdag 24 september 2013

AIR Application generates virus false positive

Today I was startled to see that a Virus had been found in a program I created myself.
It was the presentation I made for my fathers wedding. I had conveniently put it in a AIR presentation, to be able to install it on a random computer attached to a beamer.

Just to translate this message: it says that my file (installation_presentation_16x9.exe has been infected and that another program tried to access it. The process that tried to access it was explorer.exe
So probalbly my son, who was using the computer at the time accidentally hit the installation icon when he was looking for minecraft.
Explorer tried to start the installation procedure and was interupted by the virus-scanner.

Now what worries me is NOT that I might have a virus. As stated, I created the AIR file myself via FLASH, using only program-code I wrote myself and resources (photo's and sound) that I own or shot myself. None of these reources sparked the interest of the virus-scanner. Ofcourse there might be a virus in AIR itself, but I think that's rather unlikely.

More probable is that the viruschecker saw AIR as a form of polymorphic malware and generated a false positive. Possibly someone has once used AIR to create malware and this led to the false positive, as the AIR installer is indeed a form of polymorphic code, but not per se polymorphic malware.

I am worried however, that future programs created in AIR might generate the same respons from this virus-scanner.
I was planning on charging people for software (games) written by me packaged in an AIR installer.
If this is the user experience I can expect, I fear for the succes of this endeavor even before I have begun..

Has anyone got information that might put this fear to rest?

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