dinsdag 24 september 2013

Sinterklaas journaal games

For the Dutch site Sinterklaasjournaal, I'll be creating 7 pure HTML 5 games in the next 6 weeks.
So my deadline is somewhere around 30th of octobre.

The games need to be scalable (lineair like Flash) and respond to touch. On the Ipad sound will be just a music. On all other devices sound will be implemented.
I will create a preloader, splashpage and game per game.
Some games will have levels.

This may seem like a gargantuan task, but I have the benefit of having made many a flash game, even in the time when this wasn't easy. AS1 was buggy as hell and there was no real way to debug it.
Even so, I made a game in a couple of days in as3.

Now I face the same kind of technical difficulties: Dom-sprites are fine, but if you have to scale them lineairly aswell, you cannot use the background property,because background scaling is not supported in all browsers.
So I'll use a div and another clipping div as sprites.
This will give me very limited performance, so where ever possible, I'll not use spritesheets at all.

Primitive, but the result should work just about anywhere, because I'll use only div, overflow hidden, top and left.. I use Jquery to navigate around the DOM (and for little else).

I'll be posting examples and general findings here, in the coming six weeks or if I really don't have the time to post, later after I'm finished.

For now, my finding is that with this technique my Phone (HTC Desire, with Android 2.2.2) is the bottleneck performance wise. But I have succesfully had 20 moving sprites, depthsorted live at 25 fps, with multitouch enabled, this gives me hope.

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