donderdag 29 oktober 2015

AABB collission

Ok, this may be me being stupid, but I was looking for the fastest way to check if two bounding-boxes overlap.
Given a rectangle taking the shape of {x,y,w,h}
If read somewhere on the internet the fastest way to do it was:
function BoxesIntersect(a,b)
   return (Math.abs(a.x - b.x) * 2 < (a.w + b.w)) &&
         (Math.abs(a.y - b.y) * 2 < (a.h + b.h));

Looks amazingly compact. But the result isn't very accurate. Especially if the bounding boxes differ in size much.

So I thought a bit and I came to this. Which is ALWAYS accurate. Maybe not as fast and certainly not consistently fast, because it bails out at the first sign of failure, but pretty fast anyway.

And here is the algorithm, but it would seem it would be faster, if instead of rectangles, you'd keep a minx-maxx and a miny-maxy.

function _hybridGameBoxIntersect(a,b)
  if((a.x+a.w)<b.x) return false;
  if((a.y+a.h)<b.y) return false;
  if((b.x+b.w)<a.x) return false;
  if((b.y+b.h)<a.y) return false;
  return true;

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