zaterdag 3 oktober 2015

GameSounds with WebAudio

For I needed a way to create gamesounds with very little training and effort.

This is my first fiddle, that comes close:

The sound is one oscillator and 4 modulators, so with about less than 40 numbers we can describe any sound.
From this very simple recipe a enormous variety of sounds can be created.

By exagerating the gain, you get this clipped 8-bit quality, but you can make beautifull round tones as well. It's nice you can actually get those old school gamesounds and some nice warm sounds quite cheaply from webaudio.

In the later fiddle I added some controls. I guess, if I add a variant button and a volume envelop you can control with a few points, we are there.

Most of them are crap, offcourse, but that's not a problem with the making-games system, as every sound will be rated and possibly labeled by users, before it lands in a library.

Next phase might be to save the generated sound as a wav:

Then use php to convert to ogg and mp3, as alas IE does not support WebAudio.

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