zondag 17 januari 2016

7 Principles of programming - 1

Principle 1

Variables.. I explain them like this:
A variable is like a little flat box. It has a label, that has the name of the variable.
You can put things in there.
You can make a box with "var";
You can put three kinds of things in there: numberscharacterstrings (not the same as words, because it can contain spaces and numbers and even linebreaks! Think of it as TEXT, if you will but call it a string) and objects.

The box can only contain one thing at a time.
If I put "hello world" in and then 1.547 the box will ONLY contain 1.547. "hello world" pops out and is lost in nothingness.

If you click the link, you will be redirected to a place on the web called jsFiddle.
Here you can play around with short bits of code to test a principle.

It is ideal for getting to understand a piece of code, because you can change it and hit run. You will see the result immeadeatly.
JSFiddle is NOT good for debugging. You need different tools for that.

I explain how a computer deals with numbers and character strings by showing the results of
var a=1+1;

var a=1-1;

Then I show the result of
var a="hello "+"world"

and of
var a="hello "-"world".

After that I ask what the difference is between var a="1"+"1" and var a=1+1.
Can you answer that? Why is the result of the last jsfiddle: NaN (meaning Not A Number)

Then I do this:
var b=1;
var a=2;
var c=a+b;

and I ask what C is. Most people get that. It's a good point to check if you are still with me.

Then we will start having some fun.
var a=5;

If you are one of the rare people who find this exciting, we'd move on to things like.
or even
which will give you a little kick then. But most people don't like to go that far.
I think I've spent about a week in this stadium, imagining how I could get the computer to do ALL my homework. (I was 9 at the time)

Somewhere inbetween I will start putting comments in. They are color coded, which means people ignore them anyway.. But it's a nice moment to explain comments. It's not really a principle of

You will notice that I haven't touched objects yet, I just mention them. If you want to know why, read the red part. Else you can skip it for now.
In order to show the result in HTML I put it in a div, to create the div on JSFIDDLE
HTML: <div id="result"></div>

So I need to do this in Javascript:
  var result_box=document.getElementById("result");
and I use 
to show them the result when the page is loaded.

If anyone asks if document.getElementById("result") is a string or a number, I need a good answer.
The answer is that document.getElementById produces an object. And I leave a little mystery hanging there.
(Strictly speaking numbers and strings are a kind of built in object-instance, but hey.. We're just starting. That would only confuse you. I might mention it's a bit of a simplification, but it's not wrong! And it certainly helps you understand the concept of a variable, which was the idea.)

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