donderdag 2 januari 2014

Hybrid Platform. HTML5 and Flash Games.

2013 saw the birth of the “Hybrid Game Platform”. This platform is basically a compatibility layer written simultaneously in Flash and Javascript.

This means, you can write game code once and export as Flash and HTML5. Now this may seem unimpressive, as adobe claims the same thing with createJS. But the fact is, that there needs to be a lot of conversion, before your game works again.

With the Hybrid platform we are talking the same language in both cases. The main advantage of this is, your choice of platform is now a lot wider.
Mobile platforms have a very limited support for Flash, but older browsers don't support HTML5.
The Hybrid platform analyses the browsers capabilities and chooses the right techniques to display.

This is best practice anyway, but used to mean, you had two versions of the software that had to be written.
And if you change anything (like texts, logo's etc) you have to change it twice. This lead to more cost.
With the deployment of the hybrid platform, this cost is literally cut in half, because you only have to do everything once.
Also, by keeping Flash as an option, you can then convert the Flash-apps to Mobile Apps quite easily.
All round flexibility for a very low price.

The Hybride Platform has been succesfully deployed for three different clients in 2013.
(Sinterklaasjournaal (just HTML5, no flash fallback), AanZee vakantiehuizen, VillaXL).

I will add links when these go live 15th of  januari 2014!

Hybrid Site Platform
I'm now working on a similar platform for sites.

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